Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is a service charge when you're renting?

It says how much it is per month then has a service charge in addition.. is that like for bills or what??|||Ask the landlord. I've never heard of this. I can't imagine what kind of "service" would need to be charged every month on top of rent.|||I've never heard of a service charge for rent. Check with your local housing authority to see if it is legal. Sounds like some method of collecting more rent than advertised. They will probably say it covers overhead like office staff, maintenance or some other ridiculous service.

Could it be for an option that you requested that other tenants may not request? Such as cable or internet service? That should be listed and itemized as to exactly what it is for.

When I go to a store, I don't get an addition to my bill for electricity surcharge, labor surcharge, sewer surcharge, security surcharge. It's all part of the cost of doing business and is included in the price of goods sold.|||Landlord could possibly be charging you for them paying for utilities, the service charge may be a first time charge or something to use it.

But that really doesn't make a whole lot of sense, either. I've never heard of a service charge in renting an apartment/house.

The only way to know is to ask management.|||Duty

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