Thursday, December 8, 2011

Do you think it's proper for RESTAURANTS to include SERVICE CHARGE (8%++) in your food bills?

I mean they are in the SERVICE INDUSTRY and they won't be able to do business unless they provide you service. I think it is unfair to still charge you for it while they already make a profit in the food they serve. Besides, not all restaurants have service charge and just rely on voluntary tips.|||I totally agree. UNLESS you are in a big party, where they have to have a person/people dedicated to your party (that I understand) a tip is a GRATUITY. It is a way of expressing your gratitude for a god job done. It is NOT mandatory, and if you refuse to pay it, they cannot make you. This new "service charge" thing is just another way to hide a tip in there somewhere.|||As with the law, this is the only charge that can be imposed on customers that doesn't need to be included in the menu list of items... and it depends on the establishment, like Shakey's in our place charge 5% for the said purpose. And this is an addition to the wage they get for the day. These people, in fairness, are doing their best to earn decently, so it may just be proper for them to be surely tipped... I mean, those who have more should give more, as the principle of Equality says.|||Yep. Service charge does not bother me. It is clearly stated on the bill (the percentage and the amount) so I am not bothered by it. It is not like the waiters here are raking in the dough. Anything extra helps.

I think that without the service charge, a lot of servers would be making even less.......tipping 15-25% is not as popular here as in the states (where I am from).|||I think if the restaurant is a top fine dining restaurant it is really something reasonable. There are a lot of factors that makes them add service charges. Restaurants are very sensitive areas in the tourism industry. They are very strict in handling food assuring you of not getting sick or such. If ever you do get sick, most of these restaurants, if they are responsible, would spend money for you. Other restaurants just really don't mind they're food service.|||Well I don't know, I think it sort of depends on what the restaurant is and where it is located. I went to the Philippines in March so I sorta know what the places are like really nice places to eat that aren't hurting for money, yeah they probably don't need to ask a service charge...but like Pizza Hut or something like that might need to so they can make it.|||Traditionally service charges go to the servers themselves, in this instance i dont mind paying the service charge in lieu of a tip but i have heard that in the philippines the servers themselves wont get the money from the service charge. In this case i think its rediculous to pay a service charge, like the OA states they are in the service business....|||what really irks me are estblishments that charge additional 6% if you pay with credit or debit card. although the department of trade and industry had already issued memorandum circulars about this violating the price tag law.|||If there is a service charge do i still tip? of thats the tip already?

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