Thursday, December 8, 2011

Do you have right to request the restaurant to take "service charge" out of your bill?

BY LAW, if you request the restaurant to take "service charge," "gratuity," or "tip," does the restaurant have to comply: in case a) when it's stated on the menu that service charge may be applied, and b) when it's not.|||I don't think you can, especially if it's stated in the menu. If it's not stated you may have a point.

Where I work, we don't do that. I have been a waitress for many years. I have also been to places that do charge for gratuity, and because of it we have not left anything, but would have left more then what they charged. I have also heard from others who have waited on tables that it is divided among the bar tenders and bus boy's. In my state we do not get the minimum wage, they expect our customer's to make it up for us. Which I don't think is fair!!

ET|||thats stingy 2 even think|||if you can't afford gratuity get fast food.|||There has to be something wrong with the service provided for a manager to take of the gratuity for a larger party.|||of course, if you make a fuss, any manager in their right mind will take it off to keep your business. but why would you want to? unless the service was absolutely horrible and neglectful or rude, the waitress deserves to be guaranteed her 15% for all the work she's doing.

this is to protect them, imagine you served a 12 people party with a 200 dollar check and the guy that paid the bill stiffed you on the tip. that's 12 orders to take and double check + 12x drinks + 12x plates + 12x salads + 12x refills and any extra sauce or bread or napkins or food allergies to worry about or whatever you ask for. that's a lot of work and the added gratuity is to make sure they are taken care of; parties are time-consuming and take up tables that could be used for a number of quicker-eating better-tipping customers.|||It does need to be stated somewhere in the restaurant or menu in order for it to be legal. If it is stated and you don't pay it that would be considered theft. But then again if you don't want to tip you server don't eat out. |||By law you are required to pay gratuity.( it's a crime not to)

Why? because is a service someone is given you.

You're paying for a service simple as that.

so if you don't want to pay gratuity, "do take out" as simple as that.

If u Still wanna go out and dine inn? If something goes wrong with the service u can complain to a manager however gratuity still needs to be paid.but a manager may discount a percent of ur bill

after that u still required to paid full gratuity from the original receipt.

|||If the service was terrible, then of course, complain to management. But if you're just cheap, stick to drive-thru's.

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