Thursday, December 8, 2011

When will cable service providers charge for channels customers want?

My understanding is that, in the future, digital cable service providers will only be able to charge customers for tv channels the customer wants. Thus eliminating the "packages" that often contain channels that they neither want nor ever watch. When will this happen and will it be a National policy or regional?|||We have asked for that service for years but I don't think it will ever happen.

Our funds support those channels no one watches. Those are community service channels. It's just the way it is.

I would like to see a package that contains the local channels, ten of my choice, and maybe two of the unwatchables. I'd be happy with a choice.|||you may be correct but i haven't heard that.

the companies package the channels so that they can make more money.

randomly picking channels is feasible but the cable gurus will fight that tooth and nail.

if it does pass you should expect individual channel prices to be a bit high so that the companies can attempt to recoup funds lost from the "packaging" format.

it would be nice if this happens...but i'm kind of doubtful.

time will tell!

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